New Podcasts Coming Soon!

In June and July, Clute and Edwards will publish two new "Noircast Special" podcasts: a "video essay" that presents the central argument of Clute and Edwards' new book, The Maltese Touch of Evil: Film Noir and Potential Criticism, as a 6-minute film noir remix composed of clips investigated in the book; a conversation on noir between Shannon Clute and Jared Case (Head of Cataloguing and Research Center, George Eastman House).

Beginning in August, 2011, Clute and Edwards will publish a new episode of Out of the Past: Investigating Film Noir each monh! Long overdue, these episodes will investigate several truly classic films noir and neo-noir that have often been requested by fans of the podcast, such as Night of the Hunter, Night and the City and L.A. Confidential.Some of these episodes will include conversations with guest investigators, such as authors Christa Faust and Jonathan Santlofer. Clute and Edwards will kick things off in August with a discussion of the hard-boiled literary, and film noir visual roots of L.A. Noire—the new video game from Rockstar Games.

Clute and Edwards, 2005-2012